Modal Components

Modals are managed using a LIFO (last in first out) stack. A modal is added to the stack when you call openModal() and removed once they are closed.

Modals are given the following props:

  • isOpen - whether or not the modal is currently being shown
  • close - a function that closes the modal, optionally taking a value to return to openModal()


All modals in the stack are kept mounted, so you will need to use isOpen to hide its contents for when it is not being shown:

<!-- MyModal.svelte -->
  export let isOpen
  export let close

{#if isOpen}
  <div role="dialog">
    <!-- ... -->

While this may seem inconvenient, this allows the state of the component to be persisted while it is temporarily hidden.


You may want to return a value from the modal once it closes. openModal() returns a promise that is resolved once the modal is closed, and the returned value can be provided with the close(value) prop.

<!-- ConfirmModal.svelte -->
  export let isOpen
  export let close

  export let message

{#if isOpen}
  <!-- ...modal content...-->

  <button type="button" on:click={() => close(false)}> No </button>
  <button type="button" on:click={() => close(true)}> Yes </button>
  import { onMount } from 'svelte'
  import { openModal, closeAllModals } from 'svelte-modals'
  import ConfirmModal from './ConfirmModal.svelte'

  async function handleDelete() {
    const confirmed = await openModal(ConfirmModal, {
      message: 'This will delete very important data. Are you sure?'

    if (confirmed) {
      const absolutelyConfirmed = await openModal(ConfirmModal, {
        message: 'Are you absolutely sure?'

      if (absolutelyConfirmed) {

<button on:click={handleDelete}>Delete Important Data</button>

Note: Modals can also be closed with exported functions closeModal(), closeModals(amount), or closeAllModals(). When these are called, openModal() resolves with no value. See API


If you are using Typescript, you can type close with CloseProp<Result> and it will properly type the return value of openModal

  import { CloseProp } from 'svelte-modals'

  export let isOpen: boolean
  export let close: CloseProp<boolean>

  export let message: string

{#if isOpen}
  <!-- ...modal content...-->

  <button type="button" on:click={() => close(false)}> No </button>
  <button type="button" on:click={() => close(true)}> Yes </button>

Preventing Close

You can prevent the modal from being closed by using onBeforeClose(). If the passed in function returns false, the modal will not be closed.

import { onBeforeClose } from 'svelte-modals'

let dirty = false

onBeforeClose(() => {
  if (dirty) {
    alert('You have unsaved changes!')

    // prevents modal from closing
    return false

<FancyForm bind:dirty />

Any close function (close prop or closeModal etc) will return false if the modal is prevented from closing.